品牌 諾勝中性oem 接口 usb 2.0
數據傳輸率 25000(kb/s) 外殼材質 珠寶
特色 珠寶 重量 35(g)
oem 可oem 送禮用途 商務禮品
適用送禮對象 客戶、長輩、晚輩、領導、下屬、朋友、同事、同學、情侶、外國人、其他 適用送禮場合 公關策劃、開業典禮、商務饋贈、員工福利、周年慶典、展銷會、婚慶、喬遷、生日、廣告促銷、節日、頒獎紀念、其他
加印logo 可以 是否提供加工定制 是
容量 32m-32g
在一代代u盤被淘汰的同時,新系列的u盤也在不斷出爐,近期推出了一款奢華的u盤,這款u盤被稱為水晶u盤系列,它看上去像一個心形的項鏈墜,但實際上是一個u盤。這個水晶u盤支持usb 2.0/1.1,容量從1gb到8gb可選,而顏色也分為銀色和金色兩種,整個造型貴氣十足。這款外觀非常奢華的水晶u盤一經發表就讓人眼前一亮…… 該系列的水晶u盤共有四個型號,分別為heartware、heart beat、lock in、lock out。其中heart ware和heart beat是采用了掛飾設計,而lock in和lock out則是采用了鑰匙扣設計,這款水晶u盤外表非常炫目,銀白色的金屬加上耀眼的水晶設計,盡現奢華本色。不僅外表光彩照人,本身容量為1gb,堪稱u盤中的藝術品。這款水晶u盤外表非常炫目,銀白色的金屬加上耀眼的水晶設計,盡現奢華本色。不僅外表光彩照人,本身容量為1gb,而水晶可以說相當華麗、精致! 1.usb接口,支持熱插拔 2.采用a級flash memory 3.超強穩定,確保數據安全 4.即插即用,windows98以上無需驅動 5.時尚美觀設計,超強防潮抗震 6.可承受3米自由落體碰撞,電子寫保護裝置,保護數據安7.數據保存十年以上,與ibm兼容pc、筆記本電腦,apple電腦全兼容 8.小巧輕便,易于攜帶。 in a generation of u dish be eliminated at the same time, new series of u plate are constantly released recently launched a new luxury u disk, thissection u dish called crystal u plate series, it looks like a heart-shaped xianglianzhui, but is actually a u disk. the crystal u disk support usb 2.0/1.1, capacity from 1gb 8gb optional to, andcolor is also divided into two silver and gold, whole modelling expensive gas is dye-in-the-wood. this kind of appearance very extravagant crystal u dish once published let a person shine at... thisseries crystal u disk consists of four types, respectively, heart beat, heart ware lock in, lock out. one heart ware and heart beat is adopted to hang adorn design, and lock in and lock out isadopted keychains design, this kind of crystal u disk's appearance, the silvery metal plus dazzle eye dazzling crystal design, all shows luxury ecru. not only appearance lasting, itself, can ucapacity for 1gb plate of art. this kind of crystal u disk's appearance, the silvery metal plus dazzle eye dazzling crystal design, all shows luxury ecru. not only appearance lasting, itself, whilethe crystal capacity for 1gb say quite luxuriant, exquisite! 1. the usb interface, support hot swaps 2.adopt grade a flash with 3. super stability, ensuring that data security 4. plug and play,windows 98 above without driver 5. vogue beauty, super moistureproof seismic design 6. can withstand 3 meters free fallers collision, electronic write protection device, protect data ann 7. data savemore than ten years, with ibm compatible pc, laptop computers, apple computer fully compatible 8. small compact, easy to carry.
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